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 Visitors  85 000


 Trade Visitors  76 %


 Trade Visitors  over 50 % came from outside Germany


 Top Managers  45 % of the Trade Visitors


 Musikmesse Festival  25 000 Music Fans visiting


 Countries attending the Musikmesse Frankfurt 130 countries
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DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire : Amazon Distribution


"DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook. L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Coluche, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

Musikmesse 2019 MesseFrankfurt

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché


« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

Musikmesse 2019 MesseFrankfurt

Disponible sur Amazon / Available Now in French At Amazon ! Commandez dès Aujourd'hui Votre Exemplaire ! Order Today Your Exemplar !


« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

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17 août 2018 5 17 /08 /août /2018 14:22

I liked this woman, I liked this artist, so that I couldn’t help sharing my personal take and more, on the passing of music icon Aretha Franklin (1942-2018), with the world.

The first name of one of Aretha Franklin’s sons is Ted, and of course, if your first name is close to my own first name : Teddy, it arouses my attention.                                                                                                                                                                In a 2014 interview with the Wall Street Journal, and Senior Editor Christopher John Farley, Miss Aretha Franklin said about Whitney Houston (1963-2012) : “Whitney was a talent, definitely a talent, she had a gift.”

                                                                                                                     This take on Whitney Houston from Miss Aretha Franklin applies also to herself;

                                                                                                                     Miss Aretha Franklin “was a talent, definitely a talent”, and “she had a gift.”

                                                                                                                       But natural talent, also means and demands, a lot of work in the mastery of singing, a lot of work in the field of phrasing, timing, interpretation, …, she set her mind to, under the fatherly guidance of Mr. Clarence LaVaughn Franklin (1915-1984).

                                                                                                                     Even though I haven’t seen an interview of Whitney Houston (1963-2012) talking about disco icon Donna Summer (1948 – 2012), Whitney Houston, like me, grew up during the disco era, and both icons : Whitney Houston and Donna Summer died the same year, in 2012.

                                                                                                                           In May, 2012, Miss Aretha Franklin found some time also, on CNN, to pay tribute to the memory of disco icon Donna Summer (1948 – 2012), saying about the latter : “A very good singer. She was the Disco Queen.”

                                                                                                                          So it is my turn today, thanks to this essay, to pay tribute to the Queen of Soul : Miss Aretha Franklin (1942-2018).

                                                                                                                      Since the passing of Miss Aretha Franklin, we have heard condolences from Quincy Jones, Diana Ross, Gloria Gaynor, former President Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, Baptist Minister Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr., …

                                                                                                                            We also heard from President Trump with his tactless wording : “The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, is dead.”

                                                                                                                          It would have been tactful to write : The Queen of Soul, Miss Aretha Franklin has passed or has gone to sing with her peers :

                                                                                                                         Enrico Caruso (1873-1921), Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007), George Michael (1963-2016), Robert Goulet (1933-2007), Édith Piaf (1915-1963), Mario Lanza (1921-1959), Maria Callas (1923-1977), Jussi Björling (1911-1960), Cora Vaucaire (1918-2011), Minnie Riperton (1947-1979), Phyllis Hyman (1949-1995), …

                                                                                                                       Among her countless achievements, Miss Aretha Franklin earned at least 18 Grammy Awards, and is a Presidential Medal Of Freedom recipient.

                                                                                                                         The memory of Miss Aretha Franklin (1942-2018) brings me back to my adolescence, and to my wonderful tenure as anchor at Radio Saint-Louis, where I came across Aretha Franklin’s 1972 bestselling album : Amazing Grace, an album that sold over 2 million copies in the United States.

                                                                                                                         In my adolescence, to practice my English, I used to meet and fraternize with some Marines, who were door to me, to the American world and lifestyle. It was in the 80s, way before the America of Donald Trump, that is not America to me.

So going back to this lovely Marines story, one of the Marines I came across, while his ship was on a short stay in my country, presented to me a George Benson’s album, an album, if "I remember it well", like Maurice Chevalier (1888-1972), entitled “The White Album”, and in this George Benson’s album was to be heard, one of my favorite duets from Aretha Franklin :
“Love All The Hurt Away”.

                                                                                                                            Aretha Franklin, herself, seemed to have considered this duet with George Benson in “Love All The Hurt Away”, as pure bliss and delight. Aretha Franklin’s voice blending with George Benson’s voice so magically and so perfectly.

                                                                                                                            Memories of my adolescence, memories of my idea of America, well conveyed in the song : “The House I Live In”, a song sung by Frank Sinatra (1915-1998).

I also want to salute the Woman of Courage that was Miss Aretha Franklin, a Champion for Civil Rights, and who, with grace and courage, fought against cancer.

                                                                                                                       For all the countless good things you are, Miss Aretha Franklin (1942-2018), the world thanks

                                                                                                                         © 2018 Teddy Crispin


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DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (Anglais / Français) Broché / eBook


"DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination."


"DIX PETITS POEMES And More" est un délicieux petit livre bilingue (français/anglais), avec dix petits poèmes et plus, sur l'amour, la foi, la nature, ..., des figures historiques comme Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexandre le Grand (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), des poèmes rappelant des Haiku et des citations qui captiveront votre imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin


« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook



CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur."

"Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook


"L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Coluche, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ...

Extraits :

"Elle était née un 17 Janvier 1933 à
Shubra, un petit quartier du Caire, non loin du Nil millénaire, et de ses eaux bleues chargées de boue, de limon, d'ibis, de papyrus, de nénufars, ..."

"Le côté lettré de
François Mitterrand a probablement plu à Dalida, comme un lecteur put plaire à une Dalida, plus dévoreuse de livres, que dévoreuse d'hommes." (...) .

Comte de Saint-Germain est un personnage intrigant, étonnant, mystérieux et attachant à la fois, il avait toutes ces qualités qui ne pouvaient laisser une Dalida indifférente." (...) .

© 2017 Teddy Crispin



DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (Anglais / Français) Broché / eBook


"DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination."


"DIX PETITS POEMES And More" est un délicieux petit livre bilingue (français/anglais), avec dix petits poèmes et plus, sur l'amour, la foi, la nature, ..., des figures historiques comme Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexandre le Grand (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), des poèmes rappelant des Haiku et des citations qui captiveront votre imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée (Français) Broché / eBook



"CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur."

"Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée Broché


"L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Coluche, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ...

Extraits :

"Elle était née un 17 Janvier 1933 à
Shubra, un petit quartier du Caire, non loin du Nil millénaire, et de ses eaux bleues chargées de boue, de limon, d'ibis, de papyrus, de nénufars, ..."

"Le côté lettré de
François Mitterrand a probablement plu à Dalida, comme un lecteur put plaire à une Dalida, plus dévoreuse de livres, que dévoreuse d'hommes." (...) .

Comte de Saint-Germain est un personnage intrigant, étonnant, mystérieux et attachant à la fois, il avait toutes ces qualités qui ne pouvaient laisser une Dalida indifférente." (...) .

© 2017 Teddy Crispin


Written by Teddy Crispin : This Blog's Author / Écrit par Teddy Crispin : l'Auteur de ce Blog


Disponible sur Amazon / Available Now in French at Amazon ! Commandez dès Aujourd'hui Votre Exemplaire ! Order Today Your Exemplar !

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11 avril 2017 2 11 /04 /avril /2017 09:28
Music Trade Fair 2017 Messe Frankfurt
Photo ©2017 Teddy Crispin

It was spring, and it felt like summer, when I decided to be on my way to the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt that took place between April, 5th and April 8th, 2017.


The air was a little bit fresh because even though it felt like summer, we were in spring. I attended the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt, the first day of the trade show, and I was back on the last day of the trade show.


I was there in the morning and in the afternoon for both of my attendances at the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt.


The good part of it is that you don’t have to struggle to go from halls to halls, like it used to be 5 or 6 or 7 years ago and more. I found the atmosphere a little boring and grey.


I didn’t find the exhilaration, the feast and joy of the previous Messe Frankfurt Music Trade Fairs from 5 and more years ago.


Maybe this year’s Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt reflected the state of today’s music industry that is reported not doing very well.


Nevertheless, there were beautiful surprises like the group Lebendig, two members of the band performed live at the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt, and the music was very good, convincing and touching, and front singer Patrick Keil is a very convincing singer conveying heartfelt emotions.


I also came across the firm Early Music Direct from Huddersfield in the United Kingdom, a firm that manufactures early music instruments: baroque guitars, …, and makes early music (medieval to baroque period) sheet music available to the public.


The firm Sultan Handmade Musical Instruments attended also the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt, where they displayed some of their string music instruments.


A special thanks to Mr. Gokce Engin, Export Manager for the firm Sultan Handmade Musical Instruments.


I came across also the firm Balalaiker manufactory that manufactures balalaikas, hurdy-gurdies, guitars, … from the Volga river bank. Very beautiful and traditional music instruments indeed.


And last but not least, former winner of the TV show “Deutschland Sucht den Superstar” in 2009, singer Daniel Schuhmacher, also attended the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt, to be in the know about the latest in the field of music instruments.


According to the Messe Frankfurt, there were 1 922 exhibitors from 55 countries present at the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt.


100 000 visitors from 144 countries attended the Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt.

And 20 000 music fans attended the 50 concerts that took place in the Frankfurt’s clubs within the framework of the Musikmesse Festival.


As to the Prolight + Sound event, 2 600 participants attended the Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt product presentation fora.


The next Music Trade Fair Messe Frankfurt will be held between April 11th and April 14th, 2018.


The next Prolight + Sound Messe Frankfurt will be held between April 10th and April 13th, 2018.


©2017 Teddy Crispin


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Photo : An Instrument from the Firm Balalaiker manufactory


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt : The Stats


Exhibitors  1 922 from 55 countries


Visitors  100 000 from 144 countries


Music Fans at the Musikmesse Festival  20 000


Concerts of International and National Artists In the Frankfurt Clubs  50


Participants at the Prolight + Sound Product Presentation Fora  2 600


Interesting Links


Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt


Music News : On The Shelves


DALIDA (1933-1987) : Trentième Anniversaire : Broché/eBook Kindle : Distribution Amazon


L'auteur Teddy Crispin essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour.


Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine (1952-1986), Coluche (1944-1986), Alain Delon, François Mitterrand (1916-1996), Le Comte de Saint-Germain (1940-1983), Luigi Tenco (1938-1967), Henri Tisot (1937-2011), Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970), ...


Extraits :


"Elle était née un 17 Janvier 1933 à Shubra, un petit quartier du Caire, non loin du Nil millénaire, et de ses eaux bleues chargées de boue, de limon, d'ibis, de papyrus, de nénufars, ..."


"Le côté lettré de François Mitterrand a probablement plu à Dalida, comme un lecteur put plaire à une Dalida, plus dévoreuse de livres, que dévoreuse d'hommes." (...) .


"Le Comte de Saint-Germain est un personnage intrigant, étonnant, mystérieux et attachant à la fois, il avait toutes ces qualités qui ne pouvaient laisser une Dalida indifférente." (...) .


DALIDA (1933-1987) : Trentième Anniversaire, le livre est disponible dans la rubrique Kindle, et distribué par Amazon.


©2017 Teddy Crispin


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt
Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt
Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


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23 avril 2016 6 23 /04 /avril /2016 09:14
Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt
Photo (c)2016 Teddy Crispin

Like millions of people around the world, I was touched by the unexpected demise of singer, composer, producer, arranger, performer, …, Prince. I was introduced to the genius of the music of Prince, thanks to his first album entitled from the year 1979 : Prince, with the hits : “I Wanna Be Your Lover” and “I Feel For You”. “I Feel For You” that became also a hit for Chaka Khan five years later, in 1984.


Prince has always been one of my favorite artists, because of the originality of his music, a music “out of the box”, a music that could be commercial without searching success at all costs, and this is what I appreciated in the artist, Prince.


Among my favorite albums from Prince :


Prince And The Revolution/Parade from the year 1986

Prince & The New Power Generation : Diamonds And Pearls : 1991

The gold experience from the year 1995


The appeal of the artist Prince came also from the character he created and that he succeeded in creating, an androgynous character with a global appeal, and at the same time was he this someone eager to preserve his private sphere.


What strikes also in the artist Prince lies in the contradiction of the artist himself, reported to be deeply religious, and at the same time, the incarnation of seduction and temptation as an artist.


As we mourn Prince passing around the world, a man of courage who also fought for his rights as an artist and as a human being, the pain is alleviated by the fact that this talent, and his music, and his artistry, are forever.


(c) 2016 Teddy Crispin

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About the Author

Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire




PRINCE : (1958 – 2016)
PRINCE : (1958 – 2016)
PRINCE : (1958 – 2016)

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12 avril 2016 2 12 /04 /avril /2016 22:44
Sitter : Author Teddy Crispin / Photo © Gerhard Vogler / THAT'S CHRISTMAS TO ME: (The Teddy Crispin's Christmas Poem envisioned to become a Christmas Evergreen) / Format Kindle / ""Teddy Crispin who was awarded the "Media Award in Your Country" (France) by the International Union of Young Journalists of the Catholic Press in Bavaria in Germany, an award bestowed to Teddy Crispin "for excellence in communication, for knowledge of the country's media", remembers the beautiful Christmases of his childhood."

Sitter : Author Teddy Crispin / Photo © Gerhard Vogler / THAT'S CHRISTMAS TO ME: (The Teddy Crispin's Christmas Poem envisioned to become a Christmas Evergreen) / Format Kindle / ""Teddy Crispin who was awarded the "Media Award in Your Country" (France) by the International Union of Young Journalists of the Catholic Press in Bavaria in Germany, an award bestowed to Teddy Crispin "for excellence in communication, for knowledge of the country's media", remembers the beautiful Christmases of his childhood."

Musich Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt
Photo (c)2015 Teddy Crispin

From April 7th to April 10th, 2016 took place the Music Trade Fair 2016 of the Messe Frankfurt. This year, the Music Trade Fair 2016 of the Messe Frankfurt stretched itself from Hall 8 to 11. A setback in comparison with the previous years, it seems.


I visited the Music Trade Fair 2016 of the Messe Frankfurt, on Saturday, April 9th, 2016. What a sadness, what a quietness, … Not that much crowded in visitors, and some disappointed visitors because of the low attendance rate of the visitors for the Music Trade Fair 2016 of the Messe Frankfurt.


Among the exhibitors, the St. Petersburg Musical Wind Instruments Factory from Russia, and the Manifatture Fuselli from Recanati in Italy, a manufacturer of bags and straps to music instruments.


On Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at the Congress Center of the Messe Frankfurt, the great Al Jarreau will perform along with the Hessischer Rundfunk Big Band.


And speaking of music, an exquisite Christmas album has just fallen from the sky into my open arms. One of these hidden gems and wonders, unknown to the « main stream », and to the public. An exquisite Christmas album that is « out of the box » from the American singer Ken Norris, an album entitled : …in the Spirit of Christmas : musical landscape for choir and small ensemble.


In this exquisite Christmas album of great beauty, from the American singer Ken Norris, the Christmas classics : I Saw Three Ships, O Holy Night, Silent Night…, are to be found, but also gems from the master himself : « Perfect Inheritance (Shout to the Fields) » and « Perfect Inheritance II (Amen) ».


The exquisite «…in the Spirit of Christmas», from the American singer Ken Norris, succeeds because those Christmas songs are arranged with a timeless soul music flair that is for all seasons.


« …in the Spirit of Christmas », from the American singer Ken Norris, a first rate album, hidden from the mass media and the public, a gem that you have to add to your record shelves.


According to the Messe Frankfurt, there were 2 043 exhibitors from 60 countries, for the trade shows Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2016.


And nearly 110 000 visitors from 130 countries, for the trade shows Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2016.


The next Messe Frankfurt Music Trade Fair and the next trade show Salon Prolight + Sound 2017 will be held, according to the Messe Frankfurt, in April 2017.


©2016 Teddy Crispin


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Prince : (1958-2016)


Musikmesse Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


Salon 2016 de la Musique de la Messe Frankfurt


Previous MusikMessen Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt


Links of Interest


Edgar E. Russ : Master Lutist


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt / Book Fairs Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Salon du livre 2015 de la Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2015


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Book Fair Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Buchmesse Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2011


Light & Building Trade Fair Messe Frankfurt


Light + Building 2014 : French Report


Light & Building Trade Fair


Light + Building 2014 : German Report


Communiqué de Presse


Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Restaurants in Frankfurt


Restaurants in Frankfurt

About the Author


Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire

Jahméne Douglas Sings The Easy Listening Pop Song and Timeless Ballad "The Christmas Song". Have a listen !




DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur."  "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Coluche, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Coluche, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

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9 avril 2016 6 09 /04 /avril /2016 18:36
 Sitter : Author Teddy Crispin / Photo © Gerhard Vogler / : THAT'S CHRISTMAS TO ME: (The Teddy Crispin's Christmas Poem envisioned to become a Christmas Evergreen) / Format Kindle : "Teddy Crispin : "Prix Media 1989 Dans Votre Pays (France)", du Réseau International de Jeunes Journalistes de l'Union Internationale de la Presse Catholique, pour "Excellence en Communication, et pour la Connaissance des Médias de son Pays", se souvient des Noëls de son enfance."

Sitter : Author Teddy Crispin / Photo © Gerhard Vogler / : THAT'S CHRISTMAS TO ME: (The Teddy Crispin's Christmas Poem envisioned to become a Christmas Evergreen) / Format Kindle : "Teddy Crispin : "Prix Media 1989 Dans Votre Pays (France)", du Réseau International de Jeunes Journalistes de l'Union Internationale de la Presse Catholique, pour "Excellence en Communication, et pour la Connaissance des Médias de son Pays", se souvient des Noëls de son enfance."

Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt. Photo ©2016 Teddy Crispin

Du 7 au 10 Avril s’est déroulé le Salon 2016 de la Musique de la Messe Frankfurt. Cette année, le Salon de la Musique de la Messe Frankfurt s’étendait du Hall 8 au 11. Un grand recul me semble-t’il par rapport aux années précédentes.


J’ai visité le Salon 2016 de la Musique de la Messe Frankfurt, le samedi 7 Avril 2016. Quelle tristesse,

quelle morosité, … Une foule clairsemée de visiteurs, quelques exposants déçus du peu de fréquentation du Salon de la Musique de la Messe Frankfurt 2016.


Parmi les exposants, le St. Petersburg Musical Wind Instruments Factory de Russie, et la Manifatture Fuselli de Recanati en Italie, fabricant de sacs et de sangles pour instruments de musique.


Le Dimanche 10 Avril 2016 au Congress Center de la Messe Frankfurt, à signaler le concert du grand Al Jarreau, accompagné du Hessischer Rundfunk Big Band.


Et puisqu’on parle de musique, un album de chansons de noël exquis, m’est tombé du ciel. Une de ces merveilles cachées du « main stream » et du grand public. Un album de chants de noël exquis et « out of the box » du chanteur américain Ken Norris, album intitulé : …in the Spirit of Christmas : musical landscape for choir and small ensemble."


Dans cet album de chansons de nöel d’une grande beauté, du chanteur américain Ken Norris, on retrouve les classiques de noël : I Saw Three Ships, O Holy Night, Silent Night…, mais également les propres compositions de l’artiste : « Perfect Inheritance (Shout to the Fields) » et « Perfect Inheritance II (Amen) ».


La réussite de l’exquis « …in the Spirit of Christmas », du chanteur Ken Norris, tient dans le fait que ce sont des chansons de noël, mais avec un arrangement soul, intemporel, pour toutes les saisons. Un album de tout premier plan, et pourtant caché du grand public, une perle à avoir dans l’écrin de votre collection de disques.


Selon la Messe Frankfurt, il y eut 2 043 exposants venant de 60 pays, pour les salons Musikmesse et Prolight + Sound 2016.


Et près de 110 000 visiteurs venant de 130 pays, pour les salons Musikmesse et Prolight + Sound 2016.


Le prochain Salon de la Musique et le prochain Salon Prolight + Sound 2017 auront lieu, selon la Messe Frankfurt en Avril 2017.


©2016 Teddy Crispin


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Prince : (1958 - 2016)


Musikmesse Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Previous Musikmessen Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin



Teddy Crispin



Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt / Book Fairs Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Salon du Livre 2015 de la Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2015


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Book Fair Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Buchmesse Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2011


Light & Building Trade Fair Messe Frankfurt


Light & Building Trade Fair


Light + Building 2014 : German Report


Light + Building 2014 : French Report


Communiqués de Presse


Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Prince : (1958 - 2016) : Press Release

About the Author


Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire

Jahméne Douglas Sings The Easy Listening Pop Song and Timeless Ballad "The Christmas Song". Have a listen !




DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur."  "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

DALIDA (1933-1987): Trentième Anniversaire: Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "L'auteur essaie de comprendre et d'appréhender le mythe DALIDA, de sa naissance jusqu'à son dernier jour. Un livre touchant et fascinant de poésie, avec des évocations de Daniel Balavoine, Alain Delon, François Mitterrand, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, ..."

DIX PETITS POEMES And More: Ten Little Poems And More: The Augmented Version (English / French Edition), Book / eBook availability. "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" is a delicate bilingual (French/English) little book, with ten little heartfelt poems and more, on love, faith, nature and places, loss and grief, historical figures like Che Guevara (1928-1967), Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), Lady Diana (1961-1997), Haiku-like poetry and beautiful quotes from "DIX PETITS POEMES And More" will additionally capture your imagination." ©2016 Teddy Crispin

« DU FIN FOND DE SAINT-BARTH, PENSEZ-VOUS ENCORE À MOI ? » JOHNNY HALLYDAY (1943-2017): Édition Revue et Corrigée, Broché / eBook Availability. "CAPTIVANT, AUTHENTIQUE et VRAI, sorti tout droit du COEUR, jugez-en par vous-mêmes et partagez-en le bruit et la fureur." "Avec des évocations de la part de l'auteur, de CHARLES BOYER (1899-1978), CLAUDETTE COLBERT (1903-1996), LOUIS JOURDAN (1921-2015), MAURICE CHEVALIER (1888-1972), LÉO FERRÉ (1916-1993), JACQUES BREL (1929-1978), MARILYN MONROE (1926-1962), JAMES DEAN (1931-1955), CHARLES AZNAVOUR, SYLVIE VARTAN, ... »

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19 avril 2015 7 19 /04 /avril /2015 04:55


Exhibitors 2 257
Visitors +108 000 from 146 countries


Top 11 of the countries of the visitors of Prolight + Sound 2015


1 Germany
2 The Netherlands
3 Italy
4 Belgium
5 Switzerland
6 France
7 Austria
8 China
9 Great Britain
10 Sweden
11 Poland


Musikmesse Messe Frankfurt 2016 : April 7th, 2016 to April 10th, 2016


Prolight + Sound 2016 : April 5th, 2016 to April 8th, 2016


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Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Salon de la Musique 2012 Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Prince : (1958-2016)


Prince : (1958 - 2016)


Communiqué de Presse


Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt

Teddy Crispin : Business Photo Model and Business Advertising and Marketing Performing Artist Performs : "If You Go"

Teddy Crispin

Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin : Business Photo Model and Marketing / Advertising Performing Artist


Contact Teddy Crispin : Business Photo Model / Advertising Performing Artist


About the Author


Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire





Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt
Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt
Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 : Messe Frankfurt

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12 mars 2014 3 12 /03 /mars /2014 08:50

The Musikmesse and the Prolight + Sound 2014 took place at the Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main in Germany, between March 12th and March 15th, 2014.


And the stats are :  


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014
Visitors : Around 110 000 from 142 countries
Exhibitors : 2 242 from 57 countries


Prolight + Sound 2014
Exhibitors : 897 from 42 countries


The next Musik Messe will be held between April 15th and April 18th, 2015 at the Messe Frankfurt in Germany. Prolight + Sound as well.


Comments : In leaving a comment, be informed that your comment may be published on this blog because of its interest. If your comments are for the blog master only, inform the blog master, if not, your comment may end up published, because of its interest. 


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Interesting Links :


Prince : (1958 - 2016)


Prince : (1958 - 2016)


Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse Messe Frankfurt 2015


Salon de la Musique 2012 à la Messe Frankfurt


Communiqué de Presse


Salon de la Musique 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld 2015 Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld 2014 Messe Frankfurt : (English)


Christmasworld 2014 Messe Frankfurt : ( French )


Christmasworld à la Messe Frankfurt


Messe Frankfurt Book Fair


Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2015


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Messe Frankfurt Book Fair 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Buchmesse Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2011


Services for Firms : Public Relations / Communication


Teddy Crispin : LinkedIn


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin : Personal Site


Teddy Crispin


About Mr. Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin is also a Business Photo Model and Performer for Marketing

and Advertising Campaigns. Mr. Crispin was Photo Model for publicity campaigns

for Lexmark, C&A, Commerzbank, Tegralis, ...


Contact Teddy Crispin : Business Photo Model and Performer for Advertising


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About Teddy Crispin


Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire


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Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt
Photo © Gerhard Vogler

Photo © Gerhard Vogler

Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt




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27 mai 2012 7 27 /05 /mai /2012 17:52


Musich Trade Fair 2012 Messe Frankfurt
​ ​​ ​Photo (c)2012 Teddy Crispin

Du 21 Mars au 24 Mars 2012 s’est déroulé à la Messe Frankfurt à Francfort-sur-le Main en Allemagne, le Salon de la Musique.


Les pays présents : Argentine, Australie, Biélorussie, Belgique, Brésil, Bulgarie, Chine, Danemark, Allemagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hong Kong, Inde, Indonésie, Israël, Italie, Japon, Canada, République de Corée, Croatie, Malaisie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Hollande, Autriche, Pakistan, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Fédération de Russie, San Marino, Suède, Suisse, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Espagne, Taiwan, République Tchèque, Turquie, Ukraine, Hongrie, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Royaume-Uni, (...).


Types d’instruments représentés :


Pianos, pianos à queue, instruments historiques à clavier, orgues, keyboards, synthétiseurs, guitares électriques, basses électriques, partitions, médias spécialisés, instruments à percussion, instruments à vent en bois, instruments à vent en métal, guitares acoustiques, autres instruments à cordes, harmonicas, équipements pour DJ, enregistrement, (...).


Il se trouve aussi une section labels, artistes, online, évènements et concerts, ainsi qu’une section accessoires divers.


A noter la présence des micros Lewitt, de la compagnie américaine de Banjo : Deering, du fabricant et exportateur pakistanais d’instruments de musique Mid-East Mfg, de la société turque Masterwork d’instruments à percussion, de l’entreprise Terré d’Oelnitz : fabricant d’instruments à partir d’éléments de la nature;


Des Editions Henri Lemoine, du fabricant français de hautbois : Marigaux, du maître de musique Amin Ramin : joueur de Tar et de Setar, du fabricant Iranien d’instruments de musique : Ghorban Bostani, du fabricant allemand de micro : beyerdynamic, du fabricant américain de micro, de casques audio… : CharterOak, du fabricant anglais de micro : Sontronics, du fabricant de fourniture de studio : Aka Design


©2012 Teddy Crispin



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Salon de la musique 2012 de Francfort : Statistiques :   


  Exposants      Visiteurs
Venant de l'Etranger 959      23 888
Venant de l'Allemagne 553      44 699
Total 1 512      68 587


Le Top 3 des pays d'origine des visiteurs :


1 Angleterre 9%
1 Hollande 9%
2 France 8%
2 Belgique 8%
2 Autriche 8%
3 Suisse 7%
3 Italie 7%


Comments : In leaving a comment, be informed that your comment may be published on this blog because of its interest. If your comments are for the blog master only, inform the blog master, if not, your comment may end up published, because of its interest. 


Quelques liens intéressants : 


Prince : (1958 - 2016)


Music Trade Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt


Salons de la Musique Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse 2019 Messe Frankfurt


Music Trade Fair 2017 and Prolight + Sound 2017 Messe Frankfurt


Le Salon de la Musique 2016 de la Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2015 Messe Frankfurt


Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Paperworld Messe Frankfurt


Paperworld 2014 à la Messe Frankfurt : (French)


Paperworld 2014 Messe Frankfurt


Paperworld 2013 at the Messe Frankfurt : (English)


Paperworld 2012 à la Messe Frankfurt : (French)


Paperworld 2011 at the Messe Frankfurt : (English)


Paperworld 2011 à la Messe Frankfurt : (French)


Paperworld 2010 at the Messe Frankfurt : (English)


Paperworld 2010 à la Messe Frankfurt : (French)


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Messe Frankfurt


Frankfurt Book Fair 2015


Salon du Livre 2014 de la Messe Frankfurt : (Article long)


Frankfurt Book Fair Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre Messe Frankfurt 2014


Frankfurt Buchmesse Messe Frankfurt 2014


Salon du Livre 2011 de Francfort à la Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld and Paperworld Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld 2015 Messe Frankfurt


Christmasworld 2014 : Messe Frankfurt : (French)


Christmasworld 2014


Paperworld and Christmasworld 2010 at the Messe Frankfurt : (English)


Teddy Crispin LinkedIn


Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin Pinterest


Teddy Crispin


About Teddy Crispin


Teddy Crispin is also a Business Photo Model and Performer for Marketing

and Advertising Campaigns. Mr. Crispin was Photo Model for publicity campaigns

for Lexmark, C&A, Commerzbank, Tegralis, ...


Contact Teddy Crispin : Business Photo Model and Performer for Advertising


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About The Author


Mr. Crispin is also an author, he has written the following books : Dix Petits Poèmes and More. And a biography : Dalida : Trentième Anniversaire







Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt
Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt
Salon 2012 de la Musique Messe Frankfurt

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